on The Massive:

"In a year studded with terrific SF of all sorts, Brian Wood’s latest opus might represent the genre at its purest."
– iFanboy

"Survivor-types are easy targets to spot, rugged women and men willing to forgo luxuries like indoor plumbing and a ready source of coffee. Wood takes this archetype and imbues it with soul, with grace." – Comics Bulletin

"Wood manages to perfectly blend suspense and moral philosophies with geo-political brushstrokes to create one of the freshest books on shelves." – Complex Magazine

on Northlanders:

"...another creative victory for writer Wood, who's quickly emerging as one the medium's premier scribes. Northlanders [is] Vikings finally done right!" Entertainment Weekly

"As Brian Wood continues to flesh out his uncharacteristic journey into the sword and sandals genre, Northlanders becomes more and more compelling... providing even more proof that the author is one of the best character writers in the industry."" IGN

"Amid all the enjoyably bloody battles and desperate sex (gorgeously rendered by Davide Gianfelice), Wood cleverly plays with the philosophical and religious shifts... clashing all over the world during the Dark Ages." - Time Out New York

"Northlanders #1 ... pretty much everything I have ever wanted a comic book to be."
Brian K Vaughan

"tougher than Conan and bloodier than 300." - Creem Magazine

"..substantial and vibrant... Northlanders is a major work by a serious writer." - CBR

"From verbal stabs to the swing of the axe... momentum always seems to roll towards the last page. This is fiction constructed at its best." - PopCultureShock

on Demo:

"There isn't a single story here that I didn't love, that didn't make me think, that didn't thud home in my heart" " -BoingBoing

"Gone are the supervillains and secret schools, and instead you have the things real teens care about: friends, first loves and the need to get away from everyday life. Grade: A" - Variety

"The short slice-of-life format becomes more emotionally captivating than nearly any ongoing series I have come across. Every single story made me stop, made me think" Girl's Entertainment Network

"Each story within the book is subtle, deliberately paced, and understated --- so it’s all the more surprising when you realize, just after finishing one of them, how much its impact has hammered home. There’s hardly a wrong note hit throughout." - Book Reporter

"wonderfully different... what the X-Men would be if they were created today." -CBR

"Wood creates really mature comics... because his characters find themselves having to grow up and see the world in entirely new ways." - Teen People

on DMZ:

"DMZ [is] the pre-eminent example of a growing fashion for comics and graphic novels about, or inspired by, the Iraq war." -The Independent

"The DMZ stories manage to combine the tough, thrilling character of golden age war comics with sharp and complex analysis of the big questions underpinning the modern age of politicized, commercialized warfare. DMZ keeps getting better and better." - BoingBoing

"DMZ is incredible. It is addictive and brutal, and a perfect antidote to the flag-waving Fox News broadcasts of the War on Terror. Wood and Burchielli have created something special, something that gets beyond the body counts and the headlines of setbacks and failures." - CHICAGO SUN-TIMES

"The gritty comic book DMZ lies somewhere between a post-apocalyptic nightmare and a bizarre tribute to Gotham tenacity... With a stark visual style that matches its narrative punch, this grim graphic novel from writer Brian Wood and artist Riccardo Burchielli measures up to any summer blockbuster." -TIME OUT NEW YORK

"Wood and Burchielli's excellent series... equal parts compelling drama and cautionary tale, filled with inspired little touches. Casting Manhattan as a combination of Baghdad and post-Hurricane Katrina New Orleans is Wood's most brilliant move, putting our own citizens through the same trials that civilians in those bombed-out and battered cities face today." - SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE

"The dramatic images recall the nightly news, and stories of warzone life ring true. A-" - ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY

"Wood and Burchielli gut-wrenchingly portray the chaotic reality of life in a war zone." - WASHINGTON POST

"DMZ does what comics do best: bleeding-edge, zeitgeist commentary mixed with hard-boiled adventure. " - DECIBEL

"Brian Wood is one of my favorite comic/graphic novel writers" - FELICIA DAY

on The New York Four:

"Brian Wood has mastered the art of writing female characters." - Bust Magazine

"As in Local and DMZ, indie superstar Wood shows great skill in writing extremely appealing and occasionally infuriating female leads... this graphic novel will delight readers on the cusp of discovering their own independence." - Booklist

"Equal parts American Splendor and Felicity, The New York Four is a stunning love letter to the New York City experience underlined by fantastic characterization." – IGN

"With Demo, Local, DMZ, and, now, The New York Four, [Brian Wood]'s proving himself able in writing well-rounded youth characters within very different contexts." - Mondo Magazine

"The most impressive aspect of this book is how accurately Wood captures youth culture. His portrait of an eighteen-year-old girl isn't the least bit condescending or out-of-touch. ... Wood has captured the energy, the coolness, the uncertainty, and the reality as well as anyone telling stories today." – CBR

on Mara:

"Akira, the Hunger Games, and Superman collide." - The AV Club

"Fundamentally, MARA is a hopeful book, drawing inspiration from humanity's striving to be more "super", our group grasp for the stars, but also from our individual capacity for perspective." – Comics Bulletin

on The Couriers:

"Think of Kick-Ass crossed with Run, Lola, Run. It's lovely stuff, and the art conveys that Tarantino-ey balletic violence in a way I'd never have suspected was possible without actual moving pictures." – Boing Boing

"The dialog is quick and full of fun vulgarity and the characters are drawn with the sort of loving detail that can only come from living in the culture portrayed. The shared aesthetic of the couriers is full of punk rock imagery, early-2000s East Village hipsterism, bike culture and re-purposed military gear." – Out of Our System

on Channel Zero:

"surprising and fresh... beautifully stark" - Wired Magazine

"[Channel Zero] quickly came to occupy the same space that books like The Sandman had done for years — highly cherished, heavily defended, and if you hadn’t read it, you just weren’t that cool. It was original, blatantly prescient, and ahead of its time." ...

"it met several very important criteria for comics activists: self-contained and intelligent, with a female protagonist who absolutely destroyed comics stereotypes." ...

"It was unsurprising, then, that Wood went on to help define the aesthetic of comics activism. If it can be said to be an actual movement, then Wood is without a doubt its official propagandist."
- Comics Alliance

"What makes Channel Zero so significant is that it is unapologetically experimental; The result is a graphic novel whose form and content could not be more perfectly matched."

"Wood’s debut combined comics, design, and activism in ways that were startlingly fresh for when it was published in the 1990s, with many motifs and ideas that proved to be ahead their time."
- Publishers Weekly

"Channel Zero established some of the core themes running through Wood’s books as connective tissue over the years, namely politics, fervent love for NYC, dystopian tendencies, prescient social awareness, and a protagonist navigating their own identity vis-à-vis their place in a larger complex system." - Comics Bulletin

"Someone's remembered what comics are for. Meet Brian Wood" - Warren Ellis

"strangely prescient... lucid and sharp - Matt Fraction

on Local:

"Wood, author of the hugely popular comic DMZ, has created a contemporary ballad to the idea of the open road." NPR

"This is the quintessential "must own" indie comic and a piece of material that should grace every discerning reader's bookcase everywhere." - AICN

"Brian Wood is the master of the single-issue comic, [and he's] created one of the most complete portraits of a person that I’ve read not just in comics, but anywhere." - Bust Magazine

"Even though each story could technically stand on its own, they're best read in one breathless sitting... A-" - The AV Club

"Combining road saga, bildungsroman, and existentialism, Local has something to suit the tastes of readers who already like Capote, or Kerouac, or Albertine Sarrazin, and has the potential for leading others to explore such more traditional, equally nuanced storytellers. -- Booklist